I'm Melting, I'm Melting
Words seem to just be shriveling away on the internet - about to disappear with nary a trace. #MAYBEANOVERSTATEMENT - the internet if anything is now the largest evolving machine for words in human history. As you may have heard, the world wide web serves to speed up both comm and miscomm -unication. The compounded action of layers of (mis)communication has forced our language to evolve at much faster rate.
inguist David Crystal has made a study of the word Rhubarb - by googling both the word "Rhubarb" and "Rubarb". At first the amount of results returned for the correct spelling, with that sneaky little silent H, far outnumbered the incorrect spelling - this however is no longer the case. Now google search results point to the fact that rubarb s catching up and will most likely overtake the correct spelling in around 50 years. With English grammar and spelling not living under the dictatorial command of a Académie française organization, who is here to stop such a change?
While that seldom used veggie (that honestly no one knows how to prepare besides in certain famous pie recipes) may seem of no importance - other words might strike your attention, even your indignation.
Receipt - Receit
Necessary - Necesary
Scene - Sene
Mnemonics - Nemonics
Knife - Nife
Not so insignificant anymore, hunh?
“should OF, would OF, and could OF.....it’s should HAVE, would HAVE, and could HAVE”